You would have to be completely disconnected from the world to be unaware of the current corona virus situation. And if you somehow did manage that, I'm jealous of you, because I feel like I've been completely inundated with facts and opinions, rarely of much help.
Today especially there has been a major push to lower the impact of the illness by stopping things like the NCAA Tournament, schools, and Disney are all cancelled or closed for the next few weeks.
One thing that has me personally worried is what this will mean for the upcoming spring/summer touring season. Live Nation and AEG have both suspended their tours going forward. I have tickets for Mayday Parade's It Is What It Is tour in April, as well as the Hella Mega Tour in August and My Chem in September. At this time, I am most concerned about the Mayday Parade concert and whether it will proceed as scheduled. They're playing a smaller venue, and the show isn't for over a month, so it seems very up in the air at this time.
I know that I am looking for other ways than concerts to support artists I enjoy since they're going to be struggling as badly as others. I wanna remind people that you can, and should, buy your music from the artists directly, promote them on social media so more people can learn about them, and maybe if you're able, consider donating to a cause like the Sweet Relief Covid-19 fund.
Hopefully with everyone taking these drastic preventative measures, we can get this to die down quickly, and we can get life back to normal, and get back to enjoying our favorite bands live.